I believe our lives are much like fabric… they can be colorful, supportive, but not restrictive, and very resilient. That ‘fabric’ as I like to think of it, changes as the years march on, and there are times when the fabric of our lives is ripped and torn. Over the years you will find it more and more difficult to really name the enemy that causes some of the rips. It used to be easy to believe that the ‘devil’ was behind it all, but after years of ‘demon busting,’ you find that ‘rascally ole devil’ seems to keep making appearances. There never seems to be a ‘win’, just a maintain or fight to keep what you have. I am not sure that is the best we can expect out of life.
However, those rips and tears can bring us to a halt and make us wonder what is really going on. I believe the motion that God put in our lives starts from the day we take our first breath, and only HE knows what weights will come to stress the fabric of our lives.
One of my favorite poets, I call him the ‘Mac of Toby’ (Toby Mac), states in a song, “Call the Five-O we got a man down.” Too often our idea of making it through life is to tear each other down instead of calling for help and giving help. It’s the very thing we hate we do (sounds familiar… I think Paul wrote about this a LONG time ago), but when the fabric of your life is torn, even like the veil of the temple on the day Christ gave His life, the only option is to call for help and to stitch it back up. If we were to see each other through special glasses and see how torn apart we are on the inside and how we are stitched back together, we might start to have more compassion rather than judgment, for what is going on around us.
Where I started… as the years roll on we stitch and re-stitch our lives back together, over and over as life takes its toll. We keep paying at the toll booth of life and keep putting things back together till we just can’t anymore.
When you come to the end of yourself, I suspect that’s when you will find, the battle being fought for your life is actually someone else’s. You will find that Michael W. Smith is right when he said, “It may look like I am surrounded, but I am surrounded by YOU.” There is more FOR you than against you, and when you find that dead-end street in your life, your heavenly and earthly angels will surround you.
Let me finish with this clip from a story we all know but need to be reminded of.
II Kings 6
…15 When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early in the morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. So he asked Elisha, “Oh, my master, what are we to do?” 16 “Do not be afraid,” Elisha answered, “for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” 17 Then Elisha prayed, “O LORD, please open his eyes that he may see.” And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw that the hills were full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.…
When the fabric of your life is torn, It might look like you are surrounded by enemies… but you ARE surrounded by Him.
Peace this week for you and yours,