Author, Coach, Speaker
Navigating grief, growth and transformation
Living beyond platitudes: Encountering God in the ‘real’ when life gets hard.

Available Books

Shattered Glass
Eight months, seven days. Too short for a life. Long enough to change one...

The Day I Learned to Fly
Eight year old Jeff’s imagination isn’t earth bound. He dreams of flying over his neighborhood...
What readers are saying

Voices From the Road
Dear friend, I bring you stories from my back road travels; looking for God in the imperfections, the messy, and the real of life. I share my own experiences in hopes that you can catch a glimpse of yourself in them, and know that even when life gets hard, you’re not alone.

Am I Right?
To be honest it just bugs me. It is the ever-present message or implied message throughout our society that is so tempting to me. We use it to divide, prove, tear down, and destroy. For years I have watched myself and the world around me

Drawn to Fire
I’ve always wanted to see the Christmas lights and decorations at Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia. There is something about this place, it’s hard to put in words but something in both of us stirs once we get past the traffic to Duke of Gloucester Street.

The Empty Chair
Like stepping into a long, ongoing battle, our consecration comes at the first realization of the weight of the empty chair. Death has long wrapped its cold tendrils around our lives being the ever present companion on this pilgrimage. Sometimes it seems as if we

Coaching for those who have been taken beyond their map.
Have you suffered loss? Has life stopped working the way you planned? When you think of God, have you been hurt by a doctrine that insists that it’s somehow your fault, that you have to ‘do better’ to be acceptable?
Life Gets Hard for all of us.
I've been here, navigated these waters, and am am here to help you find your map.
Fill out the form below so we can talk about what this looks like for you. I coach over Zoom, so you don’t need to live nearby.

When life takes you off road
I speak from my own experience. I am an ex pastor who has been damaged by performance based belief, a father who lost his infant daughter, a husband who lived in an emotionally abusive marriage for 20 years, and chose divorce over raising his son in that environment.
I’ve walked the crooked road to find life on the other side of pain, loss, and the need to reshape how I come to God. I’m still on that path, but I’ve come farther than my darkest days would have let me believe.
I speak to offer hope; not platitudes, as they bring despair, but the hope of a life on the other side of loss. There is nothing that will make life not hurt.
But there is a God who meets us in our pain, even when that doesn’t mean He takes the pain away. There is a grace beyond any performance we could muster, that holds us when the world we believed in comes apart.

Prayer Requests
Leave the Burdens on Your Heart, With Me. I feel there are few higher things we can do for our fellow man then pray for them…and I’m here to pray for you.