I often think of dreams and how they can slip in and out of our lives and we don’t even notice them. It is a shame really, that we are given so many dreams, desires, and wishes. I think they are seeds… seeds of destiny planted by our Creator to be used for us to ‘pay it forward’, while pulling at some deep, ethereal places of our souls and hearts, that only the Master can work out.
How many of us look at our lives and say, “It didn’t turn out the way I thought,” or “I wish I had done this or that vs. what I am doing now…”?
The beauty of the tapestry of our lives cannot be seen or understood from this side of the veil. I try as hard as I can to make sure my son, my mom, my dad, and my brothers know that every fiber of my being is held together by the peices of my history with each of them. They’ve left, and are leaving an eternally long impressions, which, much like a wax seal from days gone by, links us together. Without them, I would not be what and who I am. It’s literally a dream come true, manifest in the flesh of mankind spawned by our Heavenly Father.
And so it is with your life.
This tapestry I speak that we attempt to see, is really the back portion of the cross stitch and it can certainly be messy. You can see the colors, the knots, the entanglements of it all, but you can’t really ‘see’ the beauty of the image. The interwoven intricacies of each moment of our lives stitched together for something beyond our comprehension. I for one think Heaven will be the fabric, stitch, and color of our lives turned around, and our first glance will take our breath away. (For good or bad)
I really struggle with fear, and those who know me, those whom I’ve opened the door of my soul to, understand I am not talking about someone jumping out of a dark room and saying ‘boo’. This is something that, as I have gotten older, my reserves to deal with it have become lessened. Elizabeth listens and is very patient with me, and she understands how powerful this issue is in my life.
Lessons from these trials… the opposite of fear for me is to trust (have faith) and keep dreaming…
I remember hearing a line once from a movie that hit me like a hammer and made me really consider my days and my ways. See if you can guess it where it came from. The character’s name is Dr. Archibald “Moonlight” Graham – He said, “We just don’t recognize life’s most significant moments while they’re happening. Back then I thought, well, there’ll be other days. I didn’t realize that that was the only day.”
When things ‘click’ I feel my heart open to an expansiveness I don’t understand, and as I write about it, I feel myself being taken to a place, which I call home. This would be the other side of the veil or Heaven. There is no time, no pain, no sorrow, and there is only One that matters. Until I am there, home, on the other side, and the eternal life of looking at all of creation’s tapestry, I know I am a stranger in a foreign land. I had two professors in college that literally left ‘eternal impressions on my life’. One was my voice teacher, who recently passed on, and the other was the Dean of Men. I recently received a email from my former Dean of Men.
In his closing line he said, “I love life and living and hope to live many years, but I look so forward to experiencing all that He has revealed and promised; much of which I have no clue as to what He has waiting.” Talk about putting the dream into perspective! I think he is touching something of those dreams planted in him long ago, that are growing in him for his next journey.
There are times, when I look into Elizabeth’s eyes and I KNOW… down deep, that she is part of me and I am part of her. When I hold her in my arms and take the mental/emotional power to stop the world, even for just a second and all of time freezes. I see her for who and what she is. I see the gentle soul she is, the hurts and tender places she carries, I see the support, love and belief she has in me and I know… it’s one of those moments “Moonlike Graham talked about it…
Don’t let it go.
When my sweet Mom, and strong admirable Dad look at me with that look only a parent can give, that goes beyond time and reason, and I see with my heart, more clearly than my eyes, that I am an outgrowth of their bond of love, dreams and wishes. I have come to believe and understand, no matter what, they are proud of me and love me… that is one of those moments.
As I watch Cayden grow, and start to become a man, and see his questions turn from cartoon or TV characters to miniature life questions, or when we just sit and goof off together, it’s one of those moments.
When I held my Haven for the first time, I knew it was one of those moments, when I let her go, it was another.
I would wish for each of you, that you are able to live your life in such a way, that ‘those’ moments are captured in your heart, mind and soul. That they penetrate deep past the bone and marrow of what it means to be human and let those seeds grow into the fulfillment of dreams that matter, dreams that touch others, and dreams that carry you, like a leaf on the wind, to the other shore where all dreams are manifest in One.
Safe travels this week.
3 Responses
Beautiful Jeff. Your journey has been tough but you seem to be weathering it well. I hope for your strength and pray for your peaceful out come! You encourage me
Thank you Candy. I pray for you also.
another “masterpiece,” son. I love u.