The heart to me, is like a miniature sun in our lives, and with every interaction we have, the light from the heart leaves shadows, or impressions on our minds and souls. The heart is also a precious commodity that needs to be protected and guarded as a precious jewel. It is unique and there is only one you. I think women in general have the ability to articulate this better than men, but the heart we have, is a gift beyond measure and descriptions. It something separates us from the animals. No, I am not saying your dog doesn’t love you so let’s not go there. Let’s just say it is different, okay? 🙂
We are special.
You are special,
Everyone is special.
If I were to ask you to close your eyes, after reading this course, 🙂 and look inside, I wonder what you would see/feel?
Take a deep breath and slow it down for a minute and look.
Last week I talked about a journey back to Disney where there were powerful memories; reminders of thing that are important, like keeping your cardboard sword sharpened and on the ready… just in case Captain Hook shows up.
But this is a different journey. This just isn’t about memories, it is about ‘what’s on the inside’, and ‘what’s important’, and ‘who is important’, and ‘what really matters’. The reason I asked you to close your eyes is because this isn’t about the physical ‘light’ being used to read and transmit those images to your brain. It is about you seeing what is there with your heart eyes. (If that makes sense).
What do you see?
I mean this as real question and not just happy reading stuff. I wonder what do you see?
If I were to lead in this little exercise here is what I see.
Thought life is unclear at times I will go to my grave saying this… Love is the MOST powerful ‘power’ in the uni-verse’ (pun and no pun intended). You can say all day long that the forces that hold our tiny little galaxy together are more powerful… well, I would contend with that. How many times have we seen love overcome true evil, where guns and the hellish fires of a nuclear maelstrom didn’t or couldn’t? Real change usually doesn’t occur from having a bigger stick, but by being in someone’s shoes, and them seeing you walk their path with understanding. It is the difference between simple, mindless obedience, and letting someone get on the inside.There, they can massage and hold your heart from within.
The forces of nature, like falling stars and gravity follow laws laid out by someone else and those laws must be obeyed or there are consequences. With love, there is no law, no rule, no obstacle that it cannot leap over, through or around.
There is a great line in the ‘National Treasure’ movie where the main character, Benjamin Gates, often quotes something long, flowery, and historic. He is told, “Gates, people don’t talk like that anymore”. His response is, “But they want to!”
I have been fortunate and unfortunate (depending on how you view things) to have walked some bumpy roads in this life. I am sure you have also. But out of those years of four wheeling or ‘no’ wheeling here are just a few things I’ve come to believe.
I have a Mom and Dad who believe in, and love me. Brothers that are supportive, and good men whom I admire with all of my heart, a son who is fantastic, and a girlfriend who would do anything for me, to support and take care of me. I believe in a God, who through the form of Jesus, has demonstrated sacrificial Love for me in a way that we can only attempt to mimic. Why do we cry when we see love overcome evil? Is it because evil is so scary that the absence of it brings the body to shed moisture and cry? That might be part of it, but I think it is because we all know, deep down, in our hearts, that Love is a triumph that is eternal and when we see Love step in and take action, it goes to the top and bottom of every fiber of our being. It’s like something already planted in our hearts leaps with joy to recognize it’s still pulsating through us all and when it steps on stage, the crowd always comes to it’s feet screaming!
When my little guy, who is 11, cracks up laughing and has one of those ‘come unglued’ fits of laughter, my heart smiles as bright as the Cape Hatteras lighthouse. If you were around me when this occurs, I bet you could ‘feel’ the energy coming off me, it is so palpable. Like last week’s blog, when I think back on my childhood, think of my brothers, summer hair cuts, short pants, Mom’s homemade biscuits, Dad carrying all three of us downstairs on his shoulders to the den, for the wrestling match of the century, (till someone got hurt and ran to mom) :-), I see sweetness. I see it in my Grandmother Kennon’s smile, and the determination and strength in my Grandmother Munroe.
I see it in my daughter Haven’s laugh and sleep.
If God were to say to me, ‘Hey Jeff, you can change your past in anyway…’ I am not sure I would, other than the sickness and death. Even with that, I would be hesitant to change anything, because what we have now is so rich. I have no idea how the tapestry of our lives have been woven together to create the current outcome.
Yea I know… but think about it. I am not talking about someone trying to do a pick up, or get ahead by flashing pearly whites. I am talking about that wonderful recognition of friendship and love between two souls. Friends, lovers, family… just good common ground, but when I look in my heart, I see my girlfriend’s explosive smile, and with it, the reminder of the painful journey we’ve each walked to get here, and the bond that holds us together. The smile of Mom, Dad, my son, the rest of family and friends, etc. You get the point.
I also see
Blue Sky
My son sleeping in my arms
My daughter finding peace
Those are just a few things I see. I wonder what you see? If you take me up on my question and look, I wonder if this changes you just a bit, to see that today, maybe you can spend more time giving and getting smiles and hugs, maybe those random acts of kindness really do matter, like paying for a stranger’s coffee, or whatever is, in the lanes of your life. I think that today is a good day for the bright beams of your heart to shine and leave shadows and impressions within your soul and for those around you.
Safe, bright Journey’s,
3 Responses
love it son. you write so beautifully. onething to point out you misspelled MUNROE! love u.
Opps…bad mistake…fixed…I beg forgiveness….:-)
Amazing and hopeful!