Expand your vision

We typically live in a restricted mindset and restricted choices when it comes to life. Our last blog and vlog talked about the words in our heads and their limiting powers. 

This week I am standing on the deck of the Queen Mary in Long Beach California. Her keil laid 1930 and she launched 1934. Talk about thinking BIG…she is 1019.5 feet long and was designed to not only cross the Atlantic in style but with speed. She was also designed to make the world see just how ‘big’ our dreams of ocean travel could be in the 1930s. 

The Queen Mary helps me process and think about vision casting and leads me to a couple of practical steps in bringing our visions to life. 

To bring a vision to life you need to do the following:

  • Get out of your comfort zone and let your heart and imagination lead you to the size of your vision
  • Find liked minded people who can handle the size of your dream.

With these two recommendations, you can take on your vision one step at a time, one piece at a time. Visions can be so big, so intimating that we have to start accomplishing them one small piece at a time.

Like the Queen Mary herself, thinking of driving 10 million rivets might seem impossible but by driving one rivet at a time, with those that can support your goals, your ship, can literally come into port.  

Peace on your Journey this week.

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