I believe you can…

I don’t know for sure but if I were to have a Ph.D. it would be on ‘how to keep going’ and never giving up. We laugh at the movie Galaxy Quest but the line ‘never give up, never surrender’ actually has a real life, true to life meaning.

No matter what your age, or your occupation, what I know and what I believe is that one of the greatest powers God has given us in all of the universes is the ability to choose. This ability, to choose, to grow, to evolve, to become, to reveal, to unveil and let out what was put in you by generation after generating of magic and power from God is a gift.

Most if not all of us have found some form of life-limiting or self-limiting thoughts that holds us captive to never stepping up, stepping out or crossing the line and taking that first big step into being what you were meant to be.

Okay Jeff, so how do I start this? 

Good question and let me say it’s ‘simple’ and probably some the hardest steps you will ever take.

Acceptance- Ever heard the phrase, ‘God don’t make no junk’? The first step in the right direction is to finally come to terms with the fact God ‘made’ you, created you in His own image and with that foundation, you can do anything…I mean anything you put your mind to do.

I believe in you because I believe in God’s work.

Choose – Next step, just slow down, take a deep breath and realize He, God has given you the power to choose and that free gift, of ‘free will’ means you have the power to choose anything….literally anything. No matter what life throws at you, no matter what happens you can choose to be or not be a victim of circumstances. You can, as they say, ‘rise about it’, move past the scraps of the debris of life issues that gets tossed off the table and stand up and move in the power of the free will he has given you.  I believe in you because I believe in God’s work.

When it comes down to it, this means….the Sky is the limit and you know what….

I believe in you because I believe in God’s work.

‘You can’…whatever it is you choose….

Peace on your Journey this week.

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