What to do about Distractions?

Let’s talk about Distractions…

When you look at the goals you want to reach and you see you are missing the mark…ask yourself what really is getting in the way?

Is it one Big obstacle?

I bet not. I bet it’s something like what I like to call…

Death of a dream by 1000 distractions.

Well, what steps can you take to get back the high ground and start making progress toward your goals and dreams?

Step One – Measure

Let me challenge you…what would happen if you took a ‘measurement’ of the things that distract you every day?

With that measurement, think about this…My wife often quotes this to me….’The ternary of the urgent.

At work we say… ‘everything is a fire, nothing is a fire’.

Everything these days seems to be urgent and need immediate attention…

But does it really?

You have the say over your life in many ways. How about you take control of that helm and steer a course toward meeting your goals?

Step Two – Invest one hour a week.  

Let’s take one hour of your investment into distractions and invest it toward reaching your goal.

Losing weight, getting a degree, reading a book, learning a new skill…whatever it is, walk away from your distractions and invest into reaching that goal just for one hour.

Here is what happens….

One step leads to another and another and one day…You’ve reached your goal! Yes, there will be setbacks and yes things will move slow at times. But…They are moving and moving will get the job done!

I believe in you…

Why, because if I can do it, anyone can.

Peace on your Journey this week.

One Response

  1. Your step 1 is really scary, because as soon as we start that measurement process we (a) realize how much time we mis-spend, and (b) also realize how little focus we are really investing in what we have thought of as our goals. Perhaps, this is why we need reminders like yours that Step 1, measurement, is such a crucial first step.

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