I have been reminded over and over the last few months that Division sells more than Freedom in the world of lowest possible thinking. Those who read my stuff, My mom and Elizabeth, (:-) ) know I don’t hang on the media much anymore. My take is…it’s a show, with an agenda, no matter what side of the fence you are on and it is sound bite, lowest possible thinking driven. It is designed to create a reaction. Truth is no longer important, ‘good’ has little to do with what you see. The tools of the trade, and the product that leaves the factory floor for purchase are hate, division and bondage. I also must add, I don’t mean any of this to be ‘in your face’ talk but just being honest. 

I was reminded of this very recently, when talking with a dear friend on how our freedom can be taken. As he and I spoke it was clear that it doesn’t occur only in a huge event in life. It can happen by the proverbial ‘death by a 1000 cuts’ that causes us to walk into the shop of bondage, hate and division and trade in our freedom. Now before you think I speak just of our American lives and the Constitution, though that is what brought this up, I mean this about our freedom Christ purchased. Some of you don’t know what I am talking about. That’s okay. You are an adult and make decisions about yourself. It’s your business. I don’t speak of this often because it is something I struggle with myself, but I just had to put pen to paper…so to speak.questioning-face2

In talking with my friend I found that someone who’ve I come to trust, love and care for was speaking things of hate and fear. It all came up around the election. I know this person and trust them so this didn’t change anything for me between us, but I realized something for myself as well as for them…Our freedom, on a regular basis, can be taken or given away. I believe our freedom in Christ should be protected. I think of this as something akin to how we feel about our children. My mom is one of those gentle moms who wouldn’t hurt a fly…till you mess with her children. Then, my Lord in Heaven, the Scottish Highland ‘woman from hell’ emerges and will drop the world on your ass faster then you can blink an eye or a flip a pancake… ‘You’re dead’.

I suggest, we be as protective of our freedom in Christ. See, the Bible says, ‘some trust in horses, some trust in Chariots but we will trust in the name of our Lord God’.

These words, and the power behind them have the strength to break the bondage of those that that would hold us down and back and keep us from elevating our eyes, mind and hearts to the One.

How is it that one election can take so much from us. Uh…because we gave it?  

The President elect might be the president but he isn’t my King. Nor is he yours!

Do you ‘really’ believe what you are hearing, reading and seeing? Please remember, the same thing was said about President Obama and just about every other President that has sat in the White House. But where do all of these judgements and opinions come from? Tell me, I challenge you…How often are the mainstream producers of news right? My Lord in Heaven are you telling me you ‘really think’ they didn’t know about the elections or that they were that in the dark? Good gosh if you really believe that let me sell you my favorite bridge over the Atlantic…It’s a cheap price, and I’ll throw in a Whooper Chopper…and wait there is more…baby-making-funny-face

Tell me this? How often can they get the weather correct?

It just isn’t worth us giving away the freedom that was so dearly paid for. Why would we fall for it again? I know, it’s in color, HD, beamed to phones, tablets, TV’s, computers, but in the end the balance is this…

If it steals your freedom or tempts you to give it away, maybe you should do something else with your time and energy. I fully believe the media tries very hard to make itself out to be the something that if you really pay attention you are ‘well informed’ and ‘better off’ than most ignorant Americans.


Do you feel better off?

Our freedom, in this country and in our hearts was purchased for us. Is it worth so little that you are willing to trade it for a sound bite?

Now let’s be honest, and this goes for myself as well as my friend… We ALL have pains, abuses, and things from our past that can be triggered off. We all have things that cause us to react in a very un-Christ like way. I suggest, you cut yourself some slack and remember, you are human. When you are done bouncing off the walls of your fears and worries, know that you are HELD…HELD by the one that created you. Your were ‘Selected for this time’ in history and it means there is something for you in all of this. However, the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy.

I think as adults, we need to really begin to understand who our true enemy is and who the enemy isn’t.

Is it Washington? Is it really the media or what is popular? Is it a particular race of people? The way our society works is everything has to be quick, fast orders just as you desire and easily digested. Uh, if you decide that about food, you will die sooner than later. As a fact, comparing our regular ‘diet’ of knowledge from the media is sorta like living at a fast food restaurant. No one really thinks that is going to make them more healthy, do they? Well, the same holds true about what we ‘let in our hearts’. Think about investing your time with the media. My future in-laws say this all of the time about movies they are thinking of watching, ‘Do I really want to spend two hours with that person’? I ask myself all of the time, “Do you really come back feeling good about yourself, and about others about the world?”

Truth – HELL NO you don’t and it isn’t designed to do that. Why would we trade this gift of freedom in our lives for a warm bowl of oatmeal? I have to tell myself these things over and over and then remind myself of the deeper, and more elevated things of life. See, I think once we stop looking around at everyone, and everything and stop playing the comparison game, stop looking at the division, we have the chance to look up and elevate our thinking that goes beyond the scraps that keep falling off the table of current affairs, and live for something higher, something better.  


Peace on your journey this week.

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