I don’t like to get into politics much due to the level of manure that seems to be at ALL levels of the system, and I also don’t like to keep up with current news due to how much of it is bent toward a personal philosophy vs. just ‘give me the facts’. It seems that our world in general is bent on listening and living by the lowest common denominator of information.
I get it… and it’s also sad.
I have a core belief down to my bones that life, all life, is precious, and no matter what the situation is, life should be protected. After watching what is happening in Iraq last week, without going into details since we all know, I will be honest when I say… ‘I would end a number of lives if given the power to do so.’ Which, in my case, it is very good that I don’t have that power. I don’t like the fact that my first solution to a problem as serious as this is to ‘end lives’. But my point is, I think when you disagree with someone, ending their life, taking them out, is the lowest common denominator of a solution. It is a permanent action taken for a temporary situation… MOST OF THE TIME. The grab for money and power, and the grab for being the ‘selected’ ones of God, seems to be at the core of most of our issues.
Last week, I leaned down to tie my shoes.
What is that about Jeff, you went from politics, and world affairs, to tying your shoes? Well, It wasn’t long ago that tying my shoes meant I had to cross my legs and prop one foot up over the other leg to tie my shoes, because I couldn’t reach my feet by leaning forward. This week, I noticed that for a while now, I can simply lean forward and tie them. What a difference this makes. Work has been really crazy for the last few weeks. It is a non-stop rollercoaster of tension for me, and the challenges it brings leaves me exhausted many times. But as I tied my shoes, I realized what great satisfaction I had doing such a simple task and doing it well. It didn’t change the word, and I can’t say it changed me, but it did get my shoes tied! 🙂
What it did was show me the power of the ‘little things’. When all hell is breaking loose around us, the simple things do matter. The simple things bring you ‘back’ to what you can do. It brings you to a place where you see that every little thing in your life actually does have a purpose and you are not just out drifting along in some cosmic solution of existence without purpose. There is a ‘reason’ for everything. I am not saying I know the ‘why’s’ I am just saying I believe there is a ‘reason’ and ‘purpose’.
Elizabeth and I try to have regular date nights. We watch movies sometimes, sometime we ‘talk’… (Yep, I do that), some time we just listen to music…
This last week I came across ‘The Piano Guys’. http://thepianoguys.com/ . I’ve seen a few of their videos over the years, but this became our ‘date night’ viewing. We watched dozens of their productions and we were inspired. I would suggest you check out their site and videos.
It challenges me to see that most of the time, fighting by the lowest common denominator is what ‘most of us do’ vs. inspiring other to step up to greatness. Writing, music, storytelling, art, and poetry all communicate on a different level than ‘force’. It is hard, and it requires faith. It isn’t being better, stronger or faster. It is pouring yourself into your talent, your gifts, and letting the Divine work His way through you to others. There are many national stages of gifted folks who do this but I see some around me. Elizabeth works very hard to help others lives their best and find where their gifts lie. She is a firm believer that you can do more for the world by finding your best. You can reach and follow her at www.coachelizabethlove.com.
I’ve recently made a new friend who is also a pilot and author of children’s books. ‘Turbo the flying dog’ series will soon be out. You can follow Victoria at her blog site http://toriaflies.blogspot.com/ (more to come on this).
I suggest, you find the joy in tying your shoes, and give yourself to the simple things that you can change.
These are some of the examples of us trying to reach for something ‘more’ than just power, more than just position, reaching for inspiration. Let me leave you with a quote for this week.
Don’t only practice your art, but force your way into its secrets; art deserves that, for it and knowledge can raise man to the Divine.
Ludwig van Beethoven
Have a safe week and good travels.