For those that follow me online you know I travel to Great Falls Montana about 4 times a year for business. When traveling, always try to find time to search out ‘local’ living, ‘local food’ and ‘local sites’. Great Falls is a great place to do this and is so different from North Carolina in so many ways. Looking around the landscape and it’s ‘largeness’ is like looking at the front yard of the Universe. It just keeps going on…

The word ‘Vast’ comes to mind.

Vast – “of very great extent or quantity; immense.”a vast plain of buffalo grass” synonyms: Huge, extensive, expansive, broad, wide, sweeping, boundless,immeasurable.

Take any highway out of Great Falls and you see nothing but range after range of rolling flats that extend for miles, not acres. (though I am sure they measure by acres). Again, it is so different than North Carolina even down to the wildlife.I run in the mornings and the neighborhood Cayden and I live is has a prolific amount of rabbits everywhere. They run anywhere from little babies to large…Large being maybe a foot long…well maybe a little longer but not much.

In Montana…those rabbits have fangs!  They are huge compared to what is around here. Another thing I love about Montana is the quiet. You drive out of Great Falls and not ten minutes away there is NOTHING…no cars, music, aircraft and PEOPLE. There are no people. You can literally drive for hours and not see another living soul. It is the oddest thing how ‘alone’ you can get so quickly.

In those moments of solitude it is funny how quickly one will turn to the radio to ‘hear’ another human being and bring a level of ‘sameness’. It is also a good change of pace from being in a ‘everywhere you look there are ‘peeps’ always around.

But this week, I thought I would share with you some of the sites from this trip.

JDK_9674This is Approaching Montana from 27,000 Feet.






JDK_9737 JDK_9743



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