The Yellow Brick Road
I saw on the news recently that The Land of Oz, an old 70’s amusement park located in the Mountains of NC was going to open some during the day this summer. It really took me back…I have a little history with this old place. I have been thinking about my childhood a lot. Elizabeth […]
Vulnerable Heart
Let me tell you, being a dad is not what I thought it was going to be. Well, it is, but it is MUCH more than what I was ready for. Perspective… my first stint as a father didn’t last long, at least by these earthly terms – 8 months 7 days, 12 hours and […]
I know Roads
Elizabeth Love and I were talking yesterday about the things ‘we know’ and the things ‘we don’t know’, vs. the things we ‘think we know’. Not quite sure you are aware of this but how may times do we judge people and situations based on the above? There are so many events happening in life […]
The Need for Heroes
The waves of time keep rolling further forward, than the effects appear to recede, only to move forward again in my life. The movement of the tide of age leaves its run-off on my life much like the waves of the ocean on a North Carolina beach. Some of those shores are standing much as […]
Dare to Rein in Hope…
This last week I had to make a trip out west to a small town known as Cambridge Idaho. It’s big sky, big land, livestock, 18 wheeler country. Life is not complicated there. I am sure it’s hard and harsh, but simple living, easy going folk. When I called my business contact there to plan […]
The little Engine that Couldn’t…But Did!
Tales from the Road Series Let me start off by saying uncategorically, that this story I am about to tell you is my Dad’s fault… and it’s true. 🙂 If you’ve seen any of the RED movies, Retired Extremely Dangerous, you might remember a scene where ‘Marvin’, played by John Malkovich, as the comic relief, […]
My Daddy is better than your Daddy…
There are just certain things about the south that I love. One of them is how no matter what the situation, we find a way. Maybe that is human nature but I would like to think it’s a ‘southern thang’ so just humor me, okay? There is nothing like good ‘ole hard work, duct tape […]
Lost but Found by Love.
One of the things I have learned, as much as hate to admit it, is that I am not in control. Yes, I, like the rest of you, can make ‘choices’ but it is sorta like choosing which oars to use for your vessel while the water carries you down the turbulent current of life’s […]
We all have ‘that’ Uncle!
The past is dear to me. The past has shaped me to be what I am today. My past, like all of our pasts, are pitted with potholes, cracks and wrong turns. However, from time to time, it seems ‘the stars’ line up just perfectly. I have an uncle, one of the most ‘colorful’ and […]
Ringing in the New with the Old
At the end of 2015 I am sitting thinking, ruminating on family. Family traditions, family time together and looking at the imprint it’s left in and on me…As I feel my way through the corridors of my heart I wonder why with all going on in life this comes to me. The thing that comes […]