A Long Time Ago, in a State Far Far Away, Great Stupidity Took Place.
A long time ago, really it was, in a state far far away, stupidity took place. I am not sure what it is about the male psyche, but the whole competitive thing is still something I can’t say I totally get. What I mean by “get” is I don’t recognize that I am a competitive person. […]
Equal or Not
I have been thinking a lot about ‘us’…that is, people in general: color, creed, religion, politics, finances all set aside… what makes us alike? If a man or woman bleeds, it is always red. We have hearts that beat, brains, and souls. We are living, breathing creatures. But, there are so many obvious differences. Such […]
How I became famous… anonymously!
As some of you know I have a deep love of airplanes, flying, and just about anything that can get into the air. As an adult I have analyzed, thought, meditated, and tried to figure out ‘why’ this is the case, but alas I can’t nail it down except to say… ”it’s in me”. Since […]
Paper Airplanes and the Almighty
From the Family Series: Stories about our childhood – what we did, what we didn’t get away with, and what we learned from it. Back ‘in the day’ when my brothers and I were small, like 8, 9 and 10ish, we harbored a love for paper airplanes. I don’t remember how it it got started, but […]
“The Day I Learned To Fly” Travels to Chile
I was blessed to make a friend a few years ago while traveling in Plano, Texas. Her name is Danisa Mantero, and she lives in Santiago, Chile. She is a wonderful woman. I told her about my book, and she agreed to take my books to an English Teaching school in Chile. This is a great […]
To Eat, Or Not To Eat…
One of the many issues I have with blogs is that a lot of them seem to be very self focused and guru creating . I have resisted getting into this gig because I don’t like the idea of being the “know it all guy”.. However, I really want to open the door up to […]
Good vs Right?
Wow, talk about a odd topic…and one that again, is important to me personally. I have spent the better part of my life trying to BE or define ‘right-ness’. I looked for being right in so many areas: religion, politics, child-rearing, the judicial system, social norms, and moral codes. This was part of the air […]
The Characters We Meet
My day job, sometimes spilling into nighttime and weekends, is being a manager of a call center. Staffing is something that all call center managers have to work on, and this last week I attended a job fair in my local town to collect resumes. During our lunch break I was sitting alone at a […]
A Trap?
You know I really don’t want to weigh in on this because it can so easily offend and cause bad feelings. I have been thinking/struggling with a topic for a number of years and it is coming back to the surface much like blister… it just will not go away. Okay, so with full disclosure, […]
Moving On
A dear friend recently said to me, “Isn’t it amazing how long it takes for the dark to transition to sunrise and morning, yet it happens so fast…” I had to think for a second, and then realized this is just like life. All of us know what it is like to realize… you […]